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A free matrimony portal for those living in Sevugampatti, featuring lakhs of Sevugampatti matrimonial profiles. You can find detailed family information in every profile, One of the largest Sevugampatti Online Marriage Site, trusted by millions.

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Sevugampatti Matrimonial Grooms

Selvam - J62630
Selvam - J62630
41 Yrs / 5.5Ft - 165.1 Cms , , Brahmin, ,
Venkatraman - J67216
Venkatraman - J67216
41 Yrs / 5Ft - 152.4 Cms , Chef / Cook, Brahmin-Iyer, Kumbakonam, My brother is doing catering business, rent house only.. He is living with
Kannan - J56127
Kannan - J56127
32 Yrs / 5.8Ft - 172.72 Cms BE, , , ,
Mahesh Kannan - J34137
Mahesh Kannan - J34137
47 Yrs / 5.8Ft - 172.72 Cms B.Sc, , 24 Manai Telugu Chettiar, Coimbatore, hai i am mahesh residing in Coimbatore. father was Bank Officer whoi is not
Senthamil arasu - J78810
Senthamil arasu - J78810
35 Yrs / 5.8Ft - 172.72 Cms BCA, , SC, Trichy, I am working in Railway -Central government , i have one elder brother , he
R.Anbarasan - J42943
R.Anbarasan - J42943
32 Yrs / 5.6Ft - 167.64 Cms M.Com, , Vanniar, ,

Sevugampatti Matrimonial Brides

Sukanya - J52963
Sukanya - J52963
40 Yrs / 5.3Ft - 160.02 Cms, MCA, Not Working, Gounder, Trichy, She is my friend.. she is very soft n humble in nature.. has modern n tradi
Agnes - J69992
Agnes - J69992
31 Yrs / 5.1Ft - 154.94 Cms, B.Ed., Clerk, Chr-Church of South India, Tirunelveli, my sister is gud character teacher work and evangelism ministry doing
Aswini - J32681
Aswini - J32681
33 Yrs / 5.3Ft - 160.02 Cms, M.Sc, Not Working, SC, Palani,
M.Nanduja - J41849
M.Nanduja - J41849
32 Yrs / 5.8Ft - 172.72 Cms, BE, Not Working, Adi Dravida, Chennai,
Prajorpathikalai - J64896
Prajorpathikalai - J64896
32 Yrs / 5.1Ft - 154.94 Cms, BE, , Vanniya Kula Kshatriyar, Chennai,
Geetha - J33736
Geetha - J33736
34 Yrs / 5.2Ft - 157.48 Cms, Higher Secondary, , Vanniar, Chennai,